
Ways to Give

最好的投资是投资在改变年轻人的生活上. The returns are forever, both social and financial. 当你通过撒迪斯史蒂文斯基金会向撒迪斯史蒂文斯皇冠体育娱乐场网址捐款时,你不仅支持了宾夕法尼亚州最好的两年制皇冠体育娱乐场网址, you're supporting a 100-year tradition of success.

The Thaddeus Stevens Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. 所有捐赠都是免税的,您的捐赠将会收到慈善捐赠收据. Ways to make a supporting gift that makes a difference are highlighted below.


Making a cash gift, 通过支票或授权在信用卡上刷卡,这是支持大学最简单的方式. You can also make a pledge which may be paid in installments throughout the year. Checks should be made payable to Thaddeus Stevens Foundation and are tax deductible.    

你的礼物可以指定为一个特定的兴趣领域或为大学的一般目的. 了解史蒂文斯学院如何最好地把你的礼物工作,加强学院的运作, scholarships, student life, matching grants, capital improvements, student life, faculty and staff development, library,  technology, curriculum development, and much more.

Matching Gift

有时你的个人捐赠也可以通过配对捐赠计划与你的公司匹配. This doubles or triples the value of your gift to the College. Matching Gift forms are usually available though your company's Human Resource Department. Retires and spouses are often eligible for gift matching as well. 

Non-Gift Gifts

Non-cash gifts are a valuable resource to the college. 这些捐赠抵消了本可以应用于大学其他运作的财政资源. 史蒂文斯学院与那些有兴趣将他们最新的最先进的设备放在我们实验室的公司合作, 因此,我们的学生在进入劳动力市场之前熟悉并培训了设备. 其他机会包括为各种项目提供所需的材料和用品. 联络发展办公室以确定捐赠对学校是否有用总是一个好主意.


增值的股票是慈善捐赠中最受欢迎的资产之一. 要符合免税赠予资格,您必须至少持有一年以上的证券.  除了在转让生效日获得等于股票公平市场价值的所得税减免外, you will avoid paying capital-gains taxes on the appreciation.

Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)

The IRA Charitable Rollover has been extended by Congress through December 31, 2009. 作为捐赠者,你可以从你的个人退休账户中转移(滚动)到一个慈善组织,比如撒迪斯·史蒂文斯基金会. This allows you to make this gift exempt form taxable income.
To qualify:

  • The donor must be 70 ½ or older
  • The cap on the rollover is $100,000 per person
  • 该捐献必须是直接捐献给赛迪斯史蒂文斯基金会的(不能作为计划捐献进行)。
Retirement Plan Assets

Your future will revolve around the retirement plan assets that you develop. To maximize the value of a retirement account, 考虑把你的退休计划的税后价值作为终身礼物,存入免税的递延捐赠计划.

Savings Bonds

储蓄债券代表了可能已经停止增长的主要资产,现在被遗忘在银行的箱子里,等待着被用于一个好的目的. Why not put it to work as a gift to the Thaddeus Stevens Foundation!

Real Estate

Using real estate, such as your house, a vacation or rental home, a vacant lot, a farm or commercial property, to fund a gift to the college allows you to preserve your cash assets, receive significant tax and income advantages, and make a larger charitable gift than anticipated. For large gifts to the college there numerous naming opportunities in facilities, and endowments that would establish a family legacy.
Make a gift of remainder interest in your current home, 获得可观的税收优惠,并继续住在你的房子里度过余生.

Life Insurance

By naming the Thaddeus Stevens Foundation as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy, you can also fulfill your desire to support our educational mission.  An alternative is to make the Foundation both owner and sole beneficiary, providing a tax deduction for the donor for the policy's cash surrender value.


The bequest, or will, is one of the simplest types of estate gifts that can be given. This type of gift will have a direct impact on the students and programs of the College, while having no impact on your current assets. A gift in the future, planned for and discussed today, ensures that the Foundation can carry out your intentions. By designating the Foundation as one of your beneficiaries, either through a specific dollar amount, 你可以为某个目的限制你的捐赠,也可以允许它用于一个不受限制的捐赠目的. 


通过慈善礼物向所爱的人表达敬意是一种特别有意义的方式. 当你想表达哀悼或祝贺时,你可能希望考虑向塞迪斯·史蒂文斯基金会致敬.

Tribute gifts may commemorate a special event in your family's life - a birthday, anniversary, wedding,  or retirement. 对于去世的人来说,这也是一个合适的纪念,你想留下一笔遗产来纪念他们.

您的致敬礼物将在您的礼物时被确认给您指定的人或家庭. They will receive a card with the name of the person who is honored or memorialized, identifying you as the donor. The amount of the donation is not revealed to the honoree or the family. You will receive an acknowledgement for your tax-deductible contribution.

Charitable Gift Annuities 

通过Thaddeus Stevens基金会创建慈善捐赠年金(CGA)允许您根据您所做的捐赠的百分比进行当前慈善扣除,然后为您提供特定百分比金额的一致收入. 这不仅是支持大学的另一种方式,也是计划退休收入的重要方式. Annuities provide attractive rates on an investment. At the death assets will go to the Foundation.

Charitable Remainder Trust

当资产被转移到一个信托,并在一段时间内或在个人的一生中收到款项时,慈善信托就成立了. Once you have made your gift, the trust pays you income for the rest of your life, or the life of another if your desire.. When you contribute assets to a trust, 你决定你希望获得信托公平市场价值的多少百分比作为收入. 

There are several options in establishing a trust:

  1. Annuity Trust (CRAT); payment amount as are agreed upon at the time the trust is created and do not vary from year to year. Upon  death of the last beneficiary, or at the end of the term of the years, the trust terminates and the trust assets are transferred to the Foundation.
  2. 单一信托(CRUT):每年对信托资产进行估值,并计算商定的支付百分比. Upon death of the last beneficiary, or at the end of the terms of years, the trust terminates and the trust assets are transferred to the Foundation.
  3. 领导信托(CLT):捐赠人创建一个信托,在一段时间内向基金会支付收入,资产传给家庭成员.
Management Fees

New Contributions:  Effective December 1, 2014, Thaddeus Stevens基金会有权对捐赠和特殊目的捐赠收取一次性费用(捐赠价值的3%)。, 以支付捐款处理和基金设立费用以及维护费用.

Annual Fund Administration Fee:  撒迪厄斯·史蒂文斯基金会有权从其捐赠基金和特殊用途基金中收取合理的年度管理费, in order to cover management and operating expenses, 每年由塞迪斯·史蒂文斯基金会董事会批准的数额.  The current annual fee is 0.5%.

Make a gift
Use one of the above designations when making your gift.